Pontificia Universidad ólica de Chile
The Net Power Demand of a SAG mill may be well estimated by the simple Hogg and Fuerstenau Model ("Power Relations for Tumbling Mills", Trans. SME-AIME, Vol. 252, pp. 418-432, 1972), here expanded from its original formulation to represent the independent contribution of each component of the mill charge (balls, rocks and slurry) to the ...
(PDF) Influence of feed size on AG / SAG mill performance
Tracking the mill performance showed that the mill power consumption decreased from 9.49 to 6.63 kWh/t (a nearly 30% reduction), P80 of the mill …
Relationship between SAG mill power draw, bearing …
A clear example is the work of Hadizadeh et al. (2017), who classified the mill power draw and bearings pressure in levels such as very low, low, good, high, and very high. Between levels, a ...
mill work index 11.4 kWh/t and an average RQD of 44%. RQD values of 25% resulted in a SAG mill feed size (F80) between 55 and 60 mm and throughputs of 6200 t/h. RQD values of 55% resulted in SAG mill feed size (F80) of over 70 mm and a SAG mill throughput of 5200 t/h. The Batu Hijau SAG mill specific energy was a function of point load test and ...
Grinding Mill - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Usually the charge volume of SAG mills occupy between 30-40% of its internal volume at which the grinding rate is maximized. When the charge volume is more, then the throughput suffers. The fill level is monitored by mill weight measurement …
SAG Mill Grinding Circuit Design - 911metallurgist
SAG mills have a higher installed power density for a given plant footprint relative to AC mills. With the combination of finer grind and a lower …
sag feed gravity
single stage SAG mills to the largest mill in the world – with a 40 foot diameter and 28 MW of motor power for subsequent gravity separation MH Series Grinding Mills A standard range of SAG ball and rod mills with spherical mounted bearings to allow large feed and discharge openings and a replaceable discharge to allow .
SAG Mill Power Model - Grinding & Classification Circuits ...
Prediction of correct sag mill power consumption with a change in ore hardness, solid percent (density) to the sag feed, rpm of sag and PSD has always been very tricky. So far, I have used Austin-Morrell model and Hogg- Fuerstenau power model, but these models seem to work well only under certain boundary conditions.
AG - Autogenous & SAG Semi-Autogenous Mill Design …
Power drawn at the pinion is 448 kW, 13.617 kWh/tonne (SAG mill) and 570 kW, 17.325 kWh/tonne (ball mill) when processing 32.9 mtph, for a total of 30.942 kWh/tonne or 14.6% above the conventional estimate. A ball charge volume which is lower than those tested has been selected in order to minimize wear.
Semi-autogenous mill power model development using gene ...
To achieve this purpose, a total number of 186 full-scale SAG mill works were investigated and the most effective parameters on SAG mill power, i.e., feed moisture, mass flowrate, mill load cell weight, SAG mill solid percentage, inlet and outlet water to the SAG mill and work index were measured and utilized to develop the GEP model.
What's the Difference Between Ball Mill, Rod Mill and SAG ...
A SAG mill with a 44′ (13.4m) diameter and a power of 35 MW (47,000 HP) has been designed.[9] Attrition between grinding balls and ore particles causes grinding of finer particles. SAG mills are characterized by their large diameter and short length as compared to ball mills.
Application of Operating Work Indices in Autogenous ...
WAG/SAG, WBM are the respective power draw of AG/SAG and ball mills. Note that the ball mill operating work index is applied only on the portion that needs the additional grinding (Q2), which renders to the AG/SAG mill the credit for the fraction of the material that had been already ground to final product (Q1).
What's the Difference Between SAG Mill and Ball Mill ...
The biggest characteristic of the sag mill is that the crushing ratio is large. The particle size of the materials to be ground is 300 ~ 400mm, sometimes even larger, and the minimum particle size of the materials to be discharged …
AMIT 135: Lesson 7 Ball Mills & Circuits – Mining Mill ...
It is generally accepted that practical mill power (PM ) is a function of mill capacity and diameter, i.e.,P M = Mill Constant * (Mill Diameter ) n where n = 0.3 to 0.5. It is evident that mill power is a function of the height at which the media is lifted and the density of the media, i.e., PM = K Ï b LD 2.5 where k is a proportionality constant.
% solids by weight of discharge slurry 0 77 0 78 . It should also be remembered that power draws indicated in the control room of a concentrator may not ... Slurry pooling causes the power draw in AG and SAG mills to be lower than a mill without a slurry pool. This phenomenon results in overflow mills usually drawing less power than grate discharge
Conversions between test types - SAGMILLING
Bond rod mill work index (Wi RM) SAG Grindability index (SGI) or SAG Power index (SPI™) Drop weight test, both JK and SMC (A×b, DWI, Mia, etc) Bond rod mill work index versus A×b Only considering rod mill work index tests performed in laboratory mills equipped with wave liners. This is the standard specified by F. Bond and is typical of ...
parameter process in sag mill
SAG mills mimic the same shortcoming. It follows that in order to obtain the specifi c energy (SE) to achieve a certain transfer size, based on the 80 per cent passing value, an ineffi ciency factor must be applied to the SE of single stage ball mills, rod mills or AG/SAG mills when calculating power according to the Bond Third Theory method.
Difference Between Sag Mill vs Ball Mill - mech4study
1. SAG mill is the primary tool for grinding. SAG mill is used before the other mills. Ball mill is a secondary, and it is used after the SAG mill. 2. SAG mill breaks the raw material into pieces for the further grinding. Ball mill is used to grind the pieces of raw material into. powder-like structures. 3.
Ball Mill Design/Power Calculation
The basic parameters used in ball mill design (power calculations), rod mill or any tumbling mill sizing are; material to be ground, characteristics, Bond Work Index, bulk density, specific density, desired mill tonnage capacity DTPH, operating % solids or pulp density, feed size as F80 and maximum 'chunk size', product size as P80 and maximum and finally the type …
mill liners by estimating a mill power draw using simulated ball trajectories inside the mill. The correct selection of liners and mill operation based on the understanding of the relationship between mill power draw and ball trajectory contribute in increasing energy efficiency in the beneficiation of minerals.
Optimization of mill performance by using
Mill power Usually, plant operators use mill power readings as an indicator of ball filling degree and, often, try to keep it at the maximum level. It is well known that the mill absorbed power depends on operating parameters other than ball level, such as pulp density and liner configuration. Figure 2 shows that there is no linear relation between
head of the SAG mill (kPa). The relation between trunnion pressure and consumed power in the SAG mill was also obtained and explained in Equation 2[3]. where, p is SAG free trunnion pressure (kPa) and P is consumed power at the SAG mill (kW). The surface changes of liner during its life due to abrasion were examined and its consumption
How Mill Load/Charge is Estimated - Grinding ...
Sag mills in the gold and copper operations would vary from 6%- 15% and are normally grate discharge types in most cases the densities of the slurry in the mill is over 65% and that goes for ball mills also. ... power draw, ore feed and weight with density control.
Orway Mineral Consultants Canada Ltd. Mississauga, ON ...
The SAG Power Index (SPI) test (Starkey & Dobby, 1996) uses a benchscale SAG mill test to - determine the specific energy of an industrial SAG mill. The test is operated in closed circuit and the time required to grind the material to a P 80 of 1.7 mm is used to predict AG/SAG specific energy using Equation
Enhanced SAG Mill - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
The Enhanced SAG Mill is a machine added by Ender IO.It uses Micro Infinity (µI) to grind (or mill) items into their crushed variants, like Ores into Dusts.The SAG Mill has four output slots; recipes can have 1-4 different outputs, with different chances of obtaining those outputs. This machine is an upgraded version of the SAG Mill, offering increased energy storage and …
Modelling SAG milling power and specific energy ...
In Fig. 3, Fig. 4 the data is presented in order to show the effect of the fresh feed size, particularly the % −6″ +1″ (−152 +25 mm), on the SAG mill power consumption (Pc) in kW and on the SAG mill specific energy consumption (Ecs) in kW h/t, obtained by dividing the power consumed (kW) by the fresh feed rate (t/h).
specs of sag mill balls - chantellechante.fr
Difference Between Sag Mill vs Ball Mill. SAG mill make use of steel balls included with some large and hard rocks for grinding These mills utilize the balls in making the large fragments of materials broken into piec The ball charge of a SAG mill is about 9 to 20 This process takes place inside the large rotating drum of SAG mill which is filled with balls partially...
SAGMILLING .:. Articles
An updated data set for sag mill power model calibration This paper expands the SAG mill survey database published by the Author at Procemin 2013. The new database includes 49 published SAG/AG mill surveys and includes mills from all over the world.
AG & SAG Mill for Mineral Processing Wet & Aerofall SAG ...
AG Mill and SAG Mill. Feeding size: ≤25mm. Capacity: 0.65-615t/h. Output size: 0.074-0.89mm. Applications: It is commonly used in the mineral processing industry and ferrous and non-ferrous metal ore and nonmetal ore processing plants. It …